Tuesday 1 November 2011


1.)A occuring published containing articles,ilistrusation depending on what it is suppose to represent.

2.)Their are many genres that consist in magazines but inperticular are is Nudity,sport,health,fitness,Cosmetics and many more.

3.)The common one is Sex magazines,fitness,health,sport,cosmetics

4.)Firstly it helps people invest in the compant that provides undiserving wealth for people and in a positive light, it helps them desire their plessure and some what way entertain them.

5.)Their are many magazines that often teenagers tend to read such as pornography and fitness and Cosmetics which relates to them.

6.) Thier will be more of televistion programs based on it maybe it will run the modern tabloids nowerdays.

7.)Some people have told me they like vouge due to it being really revealing and in some way entertains them.
50 cents magazine was spotted out by alot of boys due to them wanting to be like them


Tuesday 18 October 2011

Attack of the block youth

Arfaat Attack of the Block

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Floyd 'money' mayweather



After his first image i expanded his biceps to make it more masculin and made his abs musctles bigger to show more definition and made it look that he spent more time in the Gym.


A scene from adulthood showing the confrontation of adam decon where one carchter has to make a life decition to not get involve or to stay in the 'street life.'

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Tuesday 27 September 2011


Foxy brown a reggae singer this cd cover is just a simple cover.

Tuesday 20 September 2011


This is a brilliant example of a ram packed comedy film,which is about a bunch of muslim extreamists.It conveys a typical stereotype of muslims extreamists with a twist of comedy.


The conventions that consists in Action often tend to be linked to gun crime and violence specificaly the movie 'Scarface' it is a great example of a action packed film based on drugs money and power.